How we transcribe

Transcription work is all about carefully rendering speech into text. We don’t edit nor influence the text in any other way than making it readable. We have developed detailed transcription rules that our personell follows. The document is over 16 pages long and is updated continuously. Among other things, it regulates when we write 14 and when we write fourteen, and how we write if the speaker pauses or speaks in half sentences. Below you will find more information about our standard transcription and some examples.

To a higher price we offer an extra detailed transcription where we write down (almost) everything that is being said.

Hur man transkriberar

Our standard transcription

In our standard transcription we make your text as readable as the spoken language allows.

  • We leave out filler words like “like” or “sort of” if they do not add to the meaning.
  • We leave out half sentences and falters if they do not add anything to the transcription.
  • We correct some colloquial language to written language, such as “wanna” to “want to”.
  • We write laughter as [laughter].
  • We write [inaudible T:MM:SS] where we cannot hear what the person said.
  • We write [?? T:MM:SS] after a word we are not 100% certain of.
  • We do not correct grammatical errors or faulty word order.
  • We do not write down sounds such as “eh” and “hm”.
  • We do not make notations for doubtfulness or other emotions that are not expressed in words.

Example sentences

Here you will find some examples of how we write different quotes.

Quote: “Yeah, that would … yeah, that would be fun.”
We write: “Yeah, that would be fun.”

Quote: “I had … I thought it was fun.”
We write: “I thought it was fun.”

Quote: “I had several … I was going to walk quite far.”
We write: “I had several … I was going to walk quite far.”

Quote: “I think it would be … It would be fun.”
We write: “I think it would be … It would be fun.”

Quote: “It’s fun to go on the merry-go-round, sort of”
We write: “It’s fun to go on the merry-go-round.”

Quote: “I have worked as a doct…”
We write: “I have worked as a doct…”

Quote: “I have borrowed fifty per cent of the price of the car.”
We write: “I have borrowed 50% of the price of the car.”

Example transcription

This is what it looks like when we have transcribed two radio shows. Click on the titles to listen to the shows on Radio Sweden. At this point we only have examples in Swedish.

Ekots Saturday interview – an example of our standard transcription (in Swedish).

Listen to Stefan Lindskog – Är Högsta domstolen aktivistisk?

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P1 Debatt – an example of our additional service “time stamp” (in Swedish)

Listen to Hur får vi stopp på gängskjutningarna?
Click on the play button on the very top of the page to start att the right time.

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