Our standard transcription of Swedish speech costs 1 845 SEK per audio file hour. We do transcribing for other languages at an extra cost. You pay for the recorded time, not the time that we work with the file. We use the common method of rounding to round up or down to full minutes.
Our Swedish personell with great English skills are responsible for the transcribing of English audio files. You can also get your interviews transcribed and translated. Please contact us for further information and price for this.
E-mail: info@transkribering.nu Phone number: +46(0)8-68 42 87 97
Our standard delivery time is one week. We accept most audio formats.
Become a client
Are you in need of transcribing and want to become a client straight away? Please click here to register.
Additional services
Contact us if you have specific requests and we will do our best to help you.
Extra quick delivery
Sometimes you might be in a hurry to get your material transcribed. Depending on how soon you need your material, and how much material you have, we will charge some hundred SEK extra per audio hour. We can deliver your transcription in 24, 48 or 72 hours. For an additional fee we can also deliver during the weekend. Please contact us and we will find a solution that works for both of us.
Are you already a customer at Transkribering.nu, but need extra quick delivery? Send us an email and we’ll take care of it.
Click here to read more about quick transcriptions (snabb transkribering)
Price per audio hour for extra quick delivery
24 hours – 3 000 kronor
48 hours – 2 600 kronor
72 hours – 2 400 kronor
Borrow dictaphones
0 SEK to borrow a dictaphone Olympus DM-650 if you are located in Sweden.
Time stamp
400 SEK per hour for a time stamp at each quote so that you easily can find the quote in the audio file.
Several people in the interview
100 SEK per hour for every additional person after the first two. We do not distinguish each person except between interviewer and respondent.
200 SEK per hour for every additional person after the first two. We distinguish each person by name or title. Transcribing of group sessions is more difficult and in some cases it is not possible to distunguish.
If more than two persons participate and nothing else is agreed upon, we do not distinguish.
Extra detailed transcription
400 SEK per audio hour if you want us to write down everything that is being said, such as fillers, half sentences, stumbling, “eh”, “hm”, “mm”, etc. If “mm” or the like is said by the interviewer as the interviewee speaks, it is omitted. If “mm” is used as the answer to a question or clearly used by the interverviewee to agree with something, it is kept in the transcript.
Poor audio quality
We might charge extra if the audio file is of very bad quality. Some examples of poor audio quality are if the recorded voices are lower than the background noise, or if the interviewees speak at the same time a lot.
Special requests
We might also charge extra if you have specific requests of how the work should be done.

We charge 25 percent VAT-rate for all customers located in Sweden and individuals from outside of Sweden. Our minimum rate (within one month) is 425 for Swedish and 500 for English which corresponds to 15 minutes audio file. We do not charge VAT-rate for companies and organizations in other countries than Sweden. Payment within 30 days after invoice is sent.