Save time
It is easier to read than to listen when you analyze big volumes of interviewed material. With written transcriptions you do not have to fast forward and rewind all the time to find the right place in the interview. Many of our clients listen to the recorded interview while reading the transcriptions. It is easy to mark relevant information in the text and revisit it later on.
Easier to find quotes with time stamps
We add a time stamp to each quote for 100 SEK per audio hour. This makes it even easier for you to find a specific quote in both the audio file and text file.
Improve the analysis
With transcribed interviews it is easier to work with the material. You save time by having the interviews written down instead of listening through them each time you wonder what was said. This gives you more time to do a thorough analysis of the material. You can search for specific terms or sentences, and being able to distinguish who said what in a focus group will make it easier to draw important conclusions.
Reduced costs
It takes time to learn how to transcribe fast and with care. You will save time by letting someone else do it, and it leaves you with the possibility to focus on what you are good at and enjoy doing.
In the long run it is often cheaper and easier to hire us than to hire an acquaintance who is not as used to transcribing and therefore might end up not having time to transcribe everything you need. If one of our colleagues gets ill or cannot finish your transcription for another reason, one of our other employees take over their work, without you noticing.
What do our clients think?
“In my research I need an affordable transcribing service with high secrecy and quick delivery. very well lives up to this and is therefore my obvious choice.”
Jörgen Sparf
Doctor of Philosophy in sociology. Mid Sweden University.